Its a new year but with many of the same problems and no end in site. We still have an idiot for president and the most corrupt administration and republican party not seen since the 20s. It would be easy to get depressed at the ongoing chaos this administration has brought to our country.

Its as if in many aspects we have gone back a 100 years with our out of control inequality of wealth and the republican party in control busy destroying as much as they can of regulations and safety net programs. Sadly it appears no one from the president down ever read history or they would know how this will end. Or maybe they have read our history but something think they are immune to the same ending.

Our only hope lies in people waking up and using their anger and depression to fight back against this all out push to destroy our country and enrich their pockets. We can’t give up and if needed we will need to take to the streets. That’s what finally happened in the 30s which is why we gained SS and child labor laws and unions and regulations to protect we the people from corporate and personal greed.

So don’t give up and keep resisting. Peace and happy new year