The definition of gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a persons seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception and sanity.

There is no question that Fox news has for decades practiced gaslighting of their viewers.  This current president- his administration and the sycophant republicans in congress are also using the process of gaslighting to keep their ‘cult followers’ in line. Working together with the targeted media they have created cult followers who will only believe what they hear on fox news and what the president or his cronies say.

In fact earlier in the year, this president told his followers to only BELIEVE what he says and nothing else unless he tells them to. In a way all cults use the practice of gaslighting their followers to gain and keep control.

I wish I had a solution because of course the only people who can see this are the ones not part of the cult followers.  Even when trump is no longer president, we will still have to deal with his cult followers.